Successfully negotiating claims since 1867
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Successfully negotiating claims since 1867
Successfully negotiating claims since 1867
Successfully negotiating claims since 1867
We have given much thought to ways in which we can help once you have a rejection letter from your insurer. There has been much publicity about possible class actions and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced that it will start High Court proceedings to get what it describes as legal certainty when it…
Every crisis develops in two phases: identification and understanding, followed by action. And in the world of Covid-19 claims we’re now moving into the second. We’ve spent many weeks understanding and analysing policies and, latterly, the repudiation letters, often coming out in common form without regard for the individual policyholders’ policies and circumstances. It’s time…
The path the covid virus is tracking through humankind is well recorded and following the predictions of the medics and scientists who know it. And so it is with its vicarious progress through the insurance world. We have all been able to predict the business effects, the financial shock, and the responses of insurers to…
Life is changing for us all in the Covid-19 crisis, and as well as the immediately felt changes in our personal routines, we see what’s happening in the commercial world. In the insurance sector in particular there have been significant developments since our last update to you. As soon as the insurance implications became known…
It’s been a couple of weeks since we published our last news about the handling of Covid-19 cases. In those weeks many sectors of the insurance market have made their intentions clear, and those intentions are rarely encouraging for the insurance buyer. We are beginning to see the defences offered, frequently in the face of…
It’s only a week or so since we set out our initial thoughts on claims resulting from the virus. In that time the government has introduced relief measures for various businesses, locked the country down and set out its suppression strategy. It has also been a hectic week for us at Thompson and Bryan. In…
COVID-19 changes everything. It threatens individual lives, imperils the stability of the economy and has the most dramatic effect on commercial activity in generations. At Thompson and Bryan we have set up a dedicated unit to understand how we can best serve our broker friends and their policyholder clients. We have researched policy covers –…
As a broker, a major fire at a client is the chance to shine or for things to go horribly wrong. From previous experience, working with a professional loss assessor like Thompson & Bryan can greatly assist the client and lead to a smooth running of the process and a better final client outcome. For…
The spread of the virus is beginning to affect every element of daily life and commercial activity. Many businesses will suffer from the precautions and impositions that will be put in place, and it’s fair to ask what help they could get from their business interruption insurers. It’s very difficult to generalise, as so much…
Major building claims on homeowners’ policies recognise that the policyholder needs expert help in assessing and scoping the works needed, knowing which contractors can do them to the right standard, at the right price and on time, and ensuring that everything happens as it should. That service is paid for under the professional fees cover…
We have given much thought to ways in which we can help once you have a rejection letter from your insurer. There has been much publicity about possible class actions and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced that it will start High Court proceedings to get what it describes as legal certainty when it…
Every crisis develops in two phases: identification and understanding, followed by action. And in the world of Covid-19 claims we’re now moving into the second. We’ve spent many weeks understanding and analysing policies and, latterly, the repudiation letters, often coming out in common form without regard for the individual policyholders’ policies and circumstances. It’s time…
The path the covid virus is tracking through humankind is well recorded and following the predictions of the medics and scientists who know it. And so it is with its vicarious progress through the insurance world. We have all been able to predict the business effects, the financial shock, and the responses of insurers to…
Life is changing for us all in the Covid-19 crisis, and as well as the immediately felt changes in our personal routines, we see what’s happening in the commercial world. In the insurance sector in particular there have been significant developments since our last update to you. As soon as the insurance implications became known…
It’s been a couple of weeks since we published our last news about the handling of Covid-19 cases. In those weeks many sectors of the insurance market have made their intentions clear, and those intentions are rarely encouraging for the insurance buyer. We are beginning to see the defences offered, frequently in the face of…
It’s only a week or so since we set out our initial thoughts on claims resulting from the virus. In that time the government has introduced relief measures for various businesses, locked the country down and set out its suppression strategy. It has also been a hectic week for us at Thompson and Bryan. In…
COVID-19 changes everything. It threatens individual lives, imperils the stability of the economy and has the most dramatic effect on commercial activity in generations. At Thompson and Bryan we have set up a dedicated unit to understand how we can best serve our broker friends and their policyholder clients. We have researched policy covers –…
As a broker, a major fire at a client is the chance to shine or for things to go horribly wrong. From previous experience, working with a professional loss assessor like Thompson & Bryan can greatly assist the client and lead to a smooth running of the process and a better final client outcome. For…
The spread of the virus is beginning to affect every element of daily life and commercial activity. Many businesses will suffer from the precautions and impositions that will be put in place, and it’s fair to ask what help they could get from their business interruption insurers. It’s very difficult to generalise, as so much…
Major building claims on homeowners’ policies recognise that the policyholder needs expert help in assessing and scoping the works needed, knowing which contractors can do them to the right standard, at the right price and on time, and ensuring that everything happens as it should. That service is paid for under the professional fees cover…
We have given much thought to ways in which we can help once you have a rejection letter from your insurer. There has been much publicity about possible class actions and the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) has announced that it will start High Court proceedings to get what it describes as legal certainty when it…
Every crisis develops in two phases: identification and understanding, followed by action. And in the world of Covid-19 claims we’re now moving into the second. We’ve spent many weeks understanding and analysing policies and, latterly, the repudiation letters, often coming out in common form without regard for the individual policyholders’ policies and circumstances. It’s time…
The path the covid virus is tracking through humankind is well recorded and following the predictions of the medics and scientists who know it. And so it is with its vicarious progress through the insurance world. We have all been able to predict the business effects, the financial shock, and the responses of insurers to…
Life is changing for us all in the Covid-19 crisis, and as well as the immediately felt changes in our personal routines, we see what’s happening in the commercial world. In the insurance sector in particular there have been significant developments since our last update to you. As soon as the insurance implications became known…
It’s been a couple of weeks since we published our last news about the handling of Covid-19 cases. In those weeks many sectors of the insurance market have made their intentions clear, and those intentions are rarely encouraging for the insurance buyer. We are beginning to see the defences offered, frequently in the face of…
It’s only a week or so since we set out our initial thoughts on claims resulting from the virus. In that time the government has introduced relief measures for various businesses, locked the country down and set out its suppression strategy. It has also been a hectic week for us at Thompson and Bryan. In…
COVID-19 changes everything. It threatens individual lives, imperils the stability of the economy and has the most dramatic effect on commercial activity in generations. At Thompson and Bryan we have set up a dedicated unit to understand how we can best serve our broker friends and their policyholder clients. We have researched policy covers –…
As a broker, a major fire at a client is the chance to shine or for things to go horribly wrong. From previous experience, working with a professional loss assessor like Thompson & Bryan can greatly assist the client and lead to a smooth running of the process and a better final client outcome. For…
The spread of the virus is beginning to affect every element of daily life and commercial activity. Many businesses will suffer from the precautions and impositions that will be put in place, and it’s fair to ask what help they could get from their business interruption insurers. It’s very difficult to generalise, as so much…
Major building claims on homeowners’ policies recognise that the policyholder needs expert help in assessing and scoping the works needed, knowing which contractors can do them to the right standard, at the right price and on time, and ensuring that everything happens as it should. That service is paid for under the professional fees cover…
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Design: Good Impressions | Content: We Do The Words
Registered Office: 2 Minster Court, Mincing Lane, London, EC3R 7PD. Registered in England Company no. 404
Design: Good Impressions Content: We Do The Words